Wednesday 23 October 2013

Imagination Can Take You Everywhere...

So we are halfway through the week and I must say - for me - it has been a pretty uneventful one so far. 

I should be excited about starting my new job soon, but as all the paper work and my CRB are taking their sweet time getting to me, it's all just one big boring waiting game. This means I am currently just stuck at home - alone - all day, and I can't even go out and enjoy myself because I'm flat out broke (cue the violins).

Now I do enjoy being at home most days. I get to walk around the house in my PJ's, sing from the top of my lungs, eat everyones food, dance all over the place, catch up on all my favourite shows, nap, and browse the internet pretty much all day. However, it does get to a point where I want to be busy, get outside and do something useful with all my free time.

After being house bound for so long, and having nothing to do, it tends to get to you - well it does for me anyway - and you think you're going nuts! I start to think I'm not alone in the house.. I go crazy and start talking to myself. I follow my cat around the garden, and I manage to jump and trip over myself every time the postman drops my letters through the door. 

The worst thing I have a habit of doing when home thinking. I tend to spend most of my day day dreaming, over thinking things that haven't even happened yet, things that might never happen, and things I wish would happen. Our minds are a powerful tool. They can be used for greatness - but it in my case - they can also be someones downfall. When left alone with just my thoughts, I let my imagination run wild. I make up stories in my head, believe for a while that they are true, spend a few hours feeling angry or sad about the situation, and not once do I notice how crazy and delusional I sound.

There have been plenty of times my boyfriend and I have had a small argument over it - usually because I've dragged him in to the soap opera I have created in my mind - and then I'll snap out of it....until the next time.  

It's quite unhealthy the majority of the time. I often imagine scenarios that outline my weaknesses. Like saving my friends from a burning building - which would never happen - because I'm not that brave or confident. Also, I can't even take burning my hand on the kettle let alone a full blown blaze! However, it's not always a bad thing. I also 'create scenarios' in my head when preparing to have a planned conversation with someone. Whether it's an interview, heart to heart, meeting, or just a conversation, I'll often imagine how I hope it will go - which I think everyone does - but it almost never goes the way I planned. It usually goes better. 

My boyfriend thinks my imagination and I together cause trouble, and I do agree with him to some extent. I am always in a constant 'what if' mode, and we all know that never solves anything. But I do think being imaginative is a good quality, because imagination can take you everywhere. 

Even sitting here now writing this post, I keep drifting in and out of my day dreams, which I think means it's time to stop writing!

Can anyone else relate to me? Or should I accept I may be a nutter? Where does your imagination take you?

I'll leave you with the words of Albert Einstein  'Imagination is more important than Knowledge'


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