Wednesday 28 August 2013

PLL FINALE - What The Effing Hell - SPOILERS

I know I only posted about the summer finale a few hours ago, but I have just watched the finale episode, and I am too excited to wait to talk about it!!

I apologise if I leave anything out or repeat anything because I am typing as fast as I can to get all of this off my mind before I zone out.

There will be major spoilers people, so if you haven't seen this episode, or you have just started watching the series, DON'T READ ANYMORE :)


So as always, the liars received a few gifts from -A, and they were creepy as always!!

You had the four eight balls with yet another threatening message, the freaky looking mona doll in a coffin, and the saw in a magic box with another creepy message.

Over each season, -A delivers some creative gifts and ways of sending the liars a message, and I have always enjoyed waiting for each one to reach the girls (even though I believe -A has way too much time to spare, and he/she needs to calm down).

We then had the creepy mime guy at the magic show that chose Aria out of the crowd to assist him with his disappearing act, and while all eyes were fixed on the stage, Emily was taken and locked up in a box - which was really far fetched as she was in the middle of the crowd with Spencer & Hannah, how did she not scream or anyone see her, unless the whole town was in on it - and almost got sliced into half.

Now there is always a chase at the end of most episodes, and halfway through, we see the girls noticing the famous red coat - who we have all been dying to know who it is - and chase her, only to be hit with the first big reveal, THERE ARE TWO RED COATS!!!

With Aria chasing one, and Spencer the other, we manage to find out the identity of one - which we pretty much all guessed anyway - and that was the pretty blonde CeCe Drake, but like always, she fell and passed out, and then disappeared right under the girls noses, so we didn't get a chance to hear what she had to say!!!


Even though we didn't see much of Mona this episode, we did find out that she escaped from Radley yet again, and was shacked up knitting at some Bed & Breakfast while the liars were running around thinking -A was going to kick her arse.

It's pretty obvious Mona isn't done with the liars, and we know she's keeping a secret with Wren and now it looks like Shona too, and she's getting all too much to handle!!

I do love Mona's character though. She's fearless, mysterious, and she's a bitch for sure, but she's good at it!!


Now brace yourselves, because I was shaking when the big reveal came on to my screen, and I am in complete and utter shock!!

Ezra, the charming, quiet, handsome, English Teacher - who was Aria's love interest, and just found out his son isn't really his son which made us girls all go awwww - IS FREAKING -A!!!!!!!!!!

Or one of many -A's, but I'm pretty sure from this episode, that he was the main guy, and even though it is definitely the biggest twist yet, I can't help but think about how it makes a lot of sense!!

So it's looking to be, that Ezra is a pervert stalker basically. It looks like he was obsessed with Ali, and probably put her in the ground that night, and has been looking for her ever since she went missing. 

This now questions his interest in Aria. Was it actually a coincidence that he met Aria in that bar in the first ever episode? Was he ever really in love with Aria, or was it all to get closer to finding Ali? Do the other members of the -A team know who he is, or do they just follow his orders?

We also got to see his actual lair which explained how he is everywhere at once. With cameras, trackers, his personal A team that do everything for him - not to mention he works in the liars school, hangs out in the coffee shop where Emily works, apparently loves Aria, and sees all the girls outside of school - it kinda makes sense that he seems to know where they are and what they are doing most of the time!

It's always the quiet ones :)


The third big reveal - which should have been the most shocking but Ezra topped it - is that Ali could actually be alive!!

Since the girls started randomly seeing Ali, it has been getting me curious, but it never made sense!
But in the finale we find out that Ali was scared of someone, got buried alive the night she went missing, but was saved by that weird frat house woman, and then disappeared herself in to the night!
So could she still be alive? Could she have been hiding from Ezra all this time and trying to help the liars at the same time? 

It wasn't confirmed for sure, but I think there is a good chance Ali is alive! 

So that is the summer finale! It pains me to say we have to wait until January for the new season, but at least we get a Halloween episode!

We have so much to take in, but theres still so much we need to know!!

Who is the second red coat? Could it be Ali herself? Spencer's sister? 

Why is Ezra -A or on the -A team?

Could Ezra have been the one that pushed Ian in the Church that night?

And the question that I keep asking, Why is this happening? What has made these -A members mental enough to go to extremes to hurt these Pretty Little Liars?

What are your thoughts and who is your favourite Pretty Little Liar?

Elle P

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